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Summer means more DUI stops in Colorado, know the true cost of a ticket

MSN Money recently completed an investigation on the true cost of a driving under the influence ticket. Their final estimation: a DUI can cost a driver well over $10,000. The report came up with this estimate by taking into account the cost of various elements, including:

  • The actual ticket. In Colorado the actual fine will vary for each county, court and case.
  • Bail. Those stopped for driving under the influence are generally placed under arrest. In order to get released the driver has to post bail. Bail can cost anywhere from $150 to $2,500 depending.
  • Increase in insurance premiums. The New York Times ran a similar investigation, but focused on the impact to insurance rates. According to their findings, a DWI first offense leads to a 19 percent increase in insurance rates. Some insurance companies take a different route and simply drop the driver from coverage.

Experts behind the estimate noted that this number can jump astronomically if there is an accident or injuries associated with a DUI.

The estimate does not take into consideration the longer lasting impacts of a DUI conviction. Those who have a DUI conviction in their past may have to disclose the presence of a criminal record when applying for employment or housing. This could lead to denial of an application. A DUI can also negatively impact college applications and scholarship opportunities.

Increased DUI efforts in Colorado

In Colorado, it is illegal to operate a vehicle when under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Colorado considers anyone with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 or higher to be in violation of this law.

Colorado enforcement officers take serious measures to remove drunk drivers from the state’s roadways. There are various times of the year when Colorado cracks down on drunk driving by increasing police presence. This is done in an attempt to both deter drinking and driving and penalize those who may violate this law.

In addition to the holiday season, police increase their efforts during the summer months.

Defending against a DUI charge

A DUI ticket impacts more than one’s finances. It can also result in a driver’s license suspension, community service requirements, potential imprisonment and installation of an ignition interlock device.

These are just a few of the negative impacts associated with a DUI conviction in Colorado. If you are charged with a drinking and driving crime, contact an experienced Colorado DUI and DWAI lawyer to discuss your legal options and help develop a defense strategy that could lead to a reduction, or even dismissal, of charges.